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※ 자료설명 ※
i've been meaning to tell you
i've got this feeling that won't subside
i look at you and i fantasize
darlin tonight
now i've got you in my sights

with these hungry eyes
one look at you and i can't disguise
i've got hungry eyes
i feel the magic between you and i

i want to hold you so hear me out
i want to show you what love's all about
darling tonight
now i've got you in my sights

now i've got you in my sights
with these hungry eyes
now did i take you by surprise
i need you to see
this love was meant to be~~♡

※ 자료현황 ※
등록일 : 2013-05-11 18:58:48 / 문서노출 : 120 / 다운로드 0

※ 파일 다운로드 ※
파일 이름 : CastingLogo.gif (9.3KB)