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프로그램 NoteWorthy Composer 2.75a update

첨부 2

  1. nwcupd_from_v2.75.exe (File Size: 1.56MB/Download: 175)
  2. 이미지 5.png (File Size: 79.2KB/Download: 6)

이미지 5.png


What's New
This update includes the following:

Version 2.75a Upgrade
Beam groups 
Courtesy accidentals 
Expanded range and fractional tenths for stem lengths (Alt+↕) 
Expanded range and fractional tenths for note spacing (Alt+↔) 
Expanded range and fractional tenths for accidental spacing (Alt+Shift+↔) 
ANSI Text Encoding option for MIDI files (Tools, Options, File) 
New Extra Dot Spacing option enables horizontal spacing control; hide the augmentation by setting this negative 
Finalized Multi-part Augmentation Dot Placement option in Staff Properties 
Bar Number Panel now includes a Muted note property indicator 
Position indicator, with leger lines, in the left side active staff frame 
Support for expandable folder paths 
New control key enabling mouse-over behavior in the editor 
Simplified grace note slur placement 
Built-in Lua plugin and user tool API reference 
Additions to the object plugin api 
Convert options now built into the main nwc2.exe program 
Detect problems with Unicode filenames that cannot be represented in ANSI 
Fix for a computation anomalies in the object plugin drawing mechanism 
Fix for loading files created/edited by an old NWC version 1 program

License Agreement
You must be an existing, licensed user of a currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2 in order to apply this update. You may only apply this update to a validly licensed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2. This update is provided "as is" and no warranty of fitness for a particular use or purpose is offered. 

Redistribution or Rental Not Permitted.

NoteWorthy Composer 2.75a
Copyright © 2017 by NoteWorthy Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved



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