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유머/카툰 양덕후의 위엄!

첨부 1

아래는 맛뵈기.. 내용이 길어서

내용이 좀 길어서 링크 클릭해보세요!

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Worlds Most Stylish Otaku Room?

You may remember an otaku by the name of Melonpan from Switzerland - these photos may ring a few bells. While he stopped blogging a while ago, Melonpan is still alive and healthy and most importantly - still an otaku. He still regularly uploads stuff to his Flickr though.
Melonpan posted some photos of his new apartment over at figure.fm and as you can see - its very stylish indeed - I would love to live in an apartment like this! Everything is neat n tidy and figures are displayed with much care. Love the lack of doors and the open space.

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Worlds Most Stylish Otaku Room?
Img ID#113724 | Flickr | New tab | Share this image | Mouseover = load notes.
Worlds Most Stylish Otaku Room?

이런 글도 찾아보세요!


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